Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find frequently asked questions and in depth explanations.

1. How does the Prepaid work?
When a consumer purchased a voucher and requests a token he has to provide his meter number. A request is sent to us and we send the token back for the requested amount. The money is paid into our account, which we -in turn- pay to the landlord, body corporate trust account or, (who ever pays the municipality). The consumer takes his token and punches it into the meter. The meter is now updated with a fixed amount of electricity to be released until it runs out with which the meter will then disconnect the electricity supply and the consumer then has to buy another token.
2. What does prepaid electricity cost me?
The meter is a once-off price. There after the electricity price charged covers the cost of electricity that the municipality charges plus the costs involved in providing prepaid electricity vouchers or tokens which is 13%. Included in the price is a fee charged by Triple-M Prepaid Metering Services which covers the costs of all the services provided including the secure connection between your meter number and the Triple-M Prepaid Metering Services host computer.
3. When would you apply for a Sub Prepaid Meter?
- There is a single dwelling on a property, occupied by tenants.
- The second dwelling on a property is occupied by tenants.
- There are multiple dwellings on a property, and all of the dwellings (main and sub dwellings) are occupied by tenants
4. When should you NOT apply for a Sub Prepaid Meter?
There is a single dwelling on a property, occupied by the Owner him/herself
5. Where to buy tokens
PnP Shoprite Cigicell Saicom Ra Cellular Cell Air Top it up Glocell
6. Whose property will the pre-paid meters be?
It will be the property of the entity that has purchased them.
7. Who will be responsible for replacement of faulty meters?
The supplier issues the meter with a 1-year guarantee which we will replace free of charge.
8. Do you have an after hour call centre where residents can contact you for assistance?
Yes, we have a Technician on standby weekdays until 10pm and weekends. Please check our website for standby hours and contact details.
9. Can electricity usage at a unit be restricted on request of an owner?
The prepaid meter is by law a recovering mechanism, meaning we can recover water, levies and even monthly rent on our meters. Which written consent of the owner of the premises.
10. Please highlight any penalty/risks/negative clauses in your contract?
Prepaid tampering fine – R2000. After inspection of the Prepaid Meter
11. What is the vending charge on the prepaid electricity tariff?
13% vending fee is charged on all electricity tariffs.
12. Can I use my own Contractor to install a Meter?
Yes, we can give you the option of supply only or fully installed, however the warranty will then expire
13. What happens when tenants move out?
It is a prepaid meter so any credit left on the meter will remain there and the new tenant can just move in and start to purchase electricity.
14. After the prepaid meter is installed, what will happen with my council account?
More Information

Meter Reading & Invoice Process
Each building or complex will be divided into different categories depending on the area of the complex or building, meter readings will take place more or less on the same date every month, tenants/ owners residing in the complex are more than welcome to contact our offices and enquire when the reading date will be so that they can be present when Triple M Metering reads the meters. We make use of reading software database on a handheld device to ensure accurate readings at all times. This provides mobile computing solutions for the enterprise and enables us to give correctly processed accounts. We take actual readings, the only exception is when we cannot gain access to the water meters and is forced to estimate the readings. Billing is done according to the consumption recorded on the individual meters, we do not have control over the electricity and or water that has been consumed by the tenant/owner residing in the complex or building. We can test the meter by request of the owner/tenant but if the meter is not faulty a meter check fee will be charged. If no individual water meters have been installed at the units, the waterbulk meter consumption can be managed or divided so that no under recovery will take place. The meter readings are downloaded from the handheld device and processed. Triple M Metering Services CC apply the tariffs that are prescribed by the local municipalities and these tariffs are also regulated by NERSA . Invoices are emailed or hand delivered at the units in the complex/building, depending on the preference of the tenant/owner. Invoices can be paid cash at our offices, via eft or via debit order.

Disconnection will take place under the following situations: No application form with supporting documents or deposit has been received by our offices; Insufficient deposit; The account of the tenant/owner is in arrears; The tenant has moved out or the owner has sold the unit: When moving out of the complex/building a termination form (can be downloaded from our website) needs to be completed and submitted to our office 48 hours in advance of moving out. Triple M metering personnel will go to the unit and take a final reading, which will enable us to process a final account. The final account will be deducted from the deposit that was paid when the application was submitted. If there is still an amount left , it will be refunded to the tenant /owner,3-4 weeks after submitting the termination form. Tenants/owners will be liable for the consumption until our offices have received a termination form.

Power Failures
Should a power failure for the whole complex/building occur, Contact our offices so that we can report it at the relevant City Council. Triple M metering services has no control over Power failures. If there is no electricity supply at your unit, please switch off all circuit breakers and trip switched in the distribution board within your unit and switch it on again, if there is still no electricity supply, contact our office or our standby number that is available until 22:00.

Triple-M Metering Services will take up the responsibility to:
- Accurately apply the tariffs as laid down by the relevant supply authority.
- Protect the rights of the end consumer at all times.
- Carry any risk involving metering
- Manage losses that may occur from time to time.
- Advise our clients on energy and demand site management.
- Be responsible for he main account at the city council.
- Pay the required deposit at the relevant supply authority for the whole building.
- Maintain meters at a reasonable cost.
- Provide and after hour service.
- Deal with related queries in a professional manner.

Client Requirements
Triple-M has access to sufficient client resources to readily deal with any of our clients’ requirements. In this regard we can provide a number of extra services on behalf of the Body Corporate or Homeowners Association.

Dual Metering
We are one of the few metering companies in the field with the unique service of dual metering. In a complex each tenant has the choice of self- managing their electricity by installing a prepaid meter or allowing us to manage their monthly usage by reading and metering their electricity meter.

Applying Technology
We make use of reading software database running on a hand held device to ensure accurate readings at all times. This provides mobile computing solutions for the enterprise and enables us to give correctly processed accounts. We do not Estimate Readings. (December Applicable).
Call: 012 653 0600
Standby: 083 262 8280 (16:30 – 21:30)